Ovid Magazine E5˚ May: Transitions and Pursuit of Perfection

Ovid Magazine E˚5 May Issue: Transition & the Pursuit of Perfection

We just released out May issue of Ovid Magazine. In it we ask, what is perfection and is it achievable in art?

Parallel with our May product launch of kaftan style jackets, OM Issue E5° is about transitions and the pursuit of perfection through the creative process.

Each month, as I create more pieces from unique fabrics to tell a story, this brand, The Ovid Collective, transitions more fully into what I envision. In this everlasting pursuit for artistic perfection (and the continuous failure to fully grasp it), my designs become more refined and clear. Transitioning.

Perfection is a mythical place, but the journey to it through creativity and expression is one we should all take regardless. It's what we learn, how we transform, and what we eventually transition into through the process.

Cliche as it is, it's the journey that counts, not the destination.

Read more in our articles and discover other artists on their creative journeys. Sign up for your free copy by clicking the link: Ovid Insider


Ovid Magazine E5˚

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