How do you Create Moments?

Creating moments

Coffee with purple and white orchids

So much of our days can seem linear as we jump from task to task in an endless parade of to do's. In reality, our days are made up of moments, small pockets of experiences, each with a set of emotions and space for discovery - We merely need to look around, unhook ourselves from that ever-moving carriage, and simply observe what's around us.

What happens when you simply be?  

Take it in and see what's around you instead of just looking? We create moments. And it's these moments we can reflect back on when we recall the experiences that make us who we are and inform our perspectives. Here's take creating more moments.

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How do you create moments in your day?

For me, it's often done over a cappuccino and with a pen over paper. This pic is from a café in Amsterdam taken a few years back. I'm always on the hunt for the perfect café - good coffee, and atmosphere that fits my mood. By carving out this space, I can create a moment within my day to be, observe, and come closer to myself. 

Share how you create your own moments below in the comments.

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